Reviews about Oculear

  • Jasmin
    I often have to bring home students' notebooks. I check them after I finish the housework. Towards evening, the letters moved away from each other and focusing became more difficult. A friend advised to reduce oculear, and in half a year this problem was gone.
  • Mari
    When I was in my thirties, I noticed that eye pressure was tormenting me as the weather changed, I was worried! I work on railroads, and such a "malfunction" could lead to criminal liability. The pharmacist recommended Oculear, and now I am not afraid of the change of seasons.
  • Mari
    Student life and study at night did their job. By the fourth year, their eyestrain had developed so much that under artificial light their eyes began to close on their own. But my mother sounded the alarm and I received the drops of Oculear from her. Now I can't go to college without them!
  • Maria
    My job is to change appearance and style. Makeup is something associated with professional activities. Mascara, arrows, shadows - all this impairs vision. The doctor prescribed Oculear for me and now I'm back in the ranks.
  • Markus
    My glasses are called from the school bench. When I became a top manager, I decided to switch to lenses. Those who wear them will understand me: burning and red eyes have become frequent companions. But my wife bought Oculear drops, and now I don't look like someone with chronic insomnia.
User rating Oculear